1000-7 | zxc | bookuhah (OhayoPokko) | | |
30CM | 30CM | Kabul_Karl (^HYPER^^HYPER^) | | |
a test clan with a long name | Test&Clan | ToxicShockTest (ToxicShockTest) | | |
Animals | ANIML | redmarked (YourHorse) | | |
Brothers Nod | Low | GB600111 (GB600111) | | |
Cant Win | CW | Edvin2090 (CWedvin) | | |
Catgirls With Consequences | CWC | xads (Xads) | | |
Cipher | ~CPH~ | SolidSnake19 (Pliskin19) | | |
Diversity | DvT | MGS_LiquidOCELOT (LiquidKNOWS) | | |
E=Mc2 | E=Mc2 | TheTourist^^ (exe.cutive) | | |
Exceptionally Skilled | eSkilL | RealExsBlood (eXs.bLoOd) | | |
expertplayerz | expertz | wasi1234 (E1A2) | | |
FeaR | FeaR | Zypherbullet (Zypherbullet) | | |
Fellowship | FSP | Yor1kys (XengL...) | | |
GameReplays.Org | Gr.Org | TesterOne (_ICU_) | | |
H2O | H2O | Chris880 (H2O||Chris) | | |
In-Your-Face | =IYF= | Animals'And'You (Yippee-ka-yay) | | |
Just For Fun | ~JFF~ | zTipzee (Keirin) | | |
m8s | m8s | Vindies (Vindies) | | |
Maroon Berrets | {MnB}~ | berat (berat) | | |
Mates First | ~MF~ | ToxicShock (ToxicShock) | | |
Most Wanted | Mo$t | SpectreG115 (eXs.speC) | | |
New Team Sparta | NTS | Space (Space) | | |
Open Source Generals | OSG | Kaution (Kaution) | | |
Red Alert 3 | =|RA3|= | Devil_Emad (RED-ALERT) | | |
Red Alert 3 Bar | RA3Bar | ViperMkVII (LanYi) | | |
rush | rush | fiolet (fiolet) | | |
Simply Coercion | SiC | Hackett (Jasper.) | | |
Superior Teamwork | sPT | diavel (Aggressor_Ru) | | |
TeamHit | THi | WarStorm666 (WorstEv3r) | | |
The Mob Crew | =TMC= | miguel82 (..PILECA..) | | |
Time to Fight | TTF | deezyrix (12dm12) | | |